Mountain Adventures

Spin Cycle 2024, Park City, Utah

September 6, 2024

Spin Cycle

Spin Cycle Trail

Spin Cycle is fun twisty downhill trail near Park City, Utah. Its grand finale is in a gully with big banked turns and creek crossings. In the gully section, there are a few spots where work was being finished up and a couple of downed trees. I left the climbing section in, but sped it up 5x. Spin Cycle has a new climbing trail, Rinse Cycle, next to it.

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Ant Farm, Bob's Basin Park City Utah

February 14, 2021

Ant Farm

Ant Farm

Ant Farm trail was rebuilt in 2018. It is one of four downhill flow trails in Bob's Basin. The rebuilt improved the flow and little drops and side hits.

Trail Link>

Music: Kevin MacLeod - Big Rock (

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Dry Fork Flume Trail, Vernal, Utah

August 8, 2020

Flume Trail

Flume Trail

Most of this ride was on the Flume Trail with the upper section on Wild Iris loop. There was a mix a stuff on the ride, smooth trail, rock gardens, steep downhills and lots of views of the river. The GoPro on top of my helmet hit a overhanging tree I didn't see it and the camera saw it a few frames before getting hit.

This is was recorded with a Hero6 (which took the hit on the branch) so no hypersmooth making the video a bit rougher.

Music: Bensound - Borthofahero...
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BYOB Trail, Park City, Utah

June 8, 2019

BYOB Trail, Park City, Utah

BYOB is a downhill trail off the RTS loop.

Trail Link>

Music: Inspire from BenSound (, Creative Commons License)

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OMH Trail, Park City, Utah

June 4, 2019

OMH Trail, Park City, Utah

OMH is downhill trail in the Lower Utah Olympic Park area that was built in 2018.

Trail Link>

Music: Summer from BenSound (, Creative Commons License)

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