Heintzleman Ridge
Thunder Mountain is not far from the shore and forms part of the once side of the Mendenhall Valley. There are two trails up the mountain which merge about half way up. The one I took is from the valley and is rougher. The trailhead for this trail is about a quarter mile from where I'm living now. There are is an short wetlands ecology trail there as well. The trail starts off on a boardwalk and quickly changes to planks.
Blue Ice Cave
On the west side of the Mendenhall River (the opposite side from the visitor center where the buses take the tourists) there is a trail that goes to the Mendenhall Glacier. It is considered the country's most accessible glacier. A three mile hike on the West Glacier Trail, then the Ice Caves Trail will get you to its edge. Along the sides of the glacier there are ice caves big enough that you can walk in.
The GPS trac...
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Herbert Glacier
Herbert Glacier Trail (June 2011) July 13, 2011 8:00 PMThe Herbert Glacier trail is an easy 4.5 mile trail about 16 miles north of the Mendenhall Valley in Juneau Alaska. The trail is a compacted gravel trail which many people bike. It follows the Herbert river up to the Herbert Glacier.
Pond Along the Trail
Near the end of the trail, we left it and walked across a wash, crossing a c...
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The Benjamin Trail
The Benjamin Trail is a trail I worked on last fall; one day of trail building and one day of old trail removal. It is an addition to another trail at Betasso Open Space near Boulder. It opened in May and I was able to get a chance to ride it. It was very popular and there was many other people besides the five that went with me.
The Benjamin trail is access from the Canyon Loop. A short trail took us to the 3 mile loop. We did two loops around the Benjamin trail and once around the...
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Iceburgs Coming Off the Mendenhall Glacier
This trail starts at the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor center. I took the first left onto the East Glacier Trail. It is a loop trail from which the Nugget Creek trail branches off near the midpoint. The East Glacier trail is well maintained and easy to hike with lots of creeks crossing it.
There is also AJ Falls just off the trail.
Nugget Creek Trail is a less maintained more rugged trail, many walkways are washed out, but not d...
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