Mountain Adventures

Tasting Excellent Local Beer in Ridgeway, Colorado

December 17, 2017

View from Ridgeway

Ridgeway Has Some Nice Views of the Nearby San Juans

This is the last of the three articles I wrote for the website Trazzler which is no longer. It's not a ride or hike, just a stop we made on a rest day between climbing 14ers. Photos are from a trip in 2009

For most, the town of Ridgeway is where your turn to go to Telluride or go straight to Ouray. Just off the main road, theres the Colorado Boy Pub & Brewery. I had pints of the Stout and the IPA, and tasters of the rest. The stout and IPA were excellent. The Irish Red Ale was bette...
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Biking on Easy Scenic Trails in Nederland

December 10, 2017

Mud Lake 2

Mud Lake

This is the second of three articles I wrote for the website Trazzler which disappeared a few years ago. Photos are from a ride in 2009

Head north from Nederland on the Peak-to-Peak highway and you will see a sign for Caribou Ranch Open Space. Turn there and soon see a sign for the Mud Lake Open Space. There are several miles of trails here which are perfect for beginners. There are several benches along the trails where you can take a break and enjoy the views of the surrounding mo...
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Tasting the Local Wine in Paonia, Colorado

December 3, 2017

Stone Cottage Cellars - Vineyards

The Vineyards at Stone Cottage Cellars

This post is actually an article I wrote for the website Trazzler, which no longer exists. Photos my trip there in 2008 have been added

In the West Elk Wine Region of Colorado there are several small wineries that they dont sell their wines outside the region.

One of the best parts of stopping at these wineries is that you can talk with the owners. While you taste their wines, you can listen to their stories of how they got started. One of these is ...
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Big Cottonwood Canyon Trail

April 23, 2017

Big Cottonwood Creek

Big Cottonwood Creek

A Scenic Bike Ride at the Mouth of the Canyon.

The upper end of this trail is at the Park and Ride at the base of Big Cottonwood Canyon. It's great if you want to do an easy bike after skiing or snowboarding all day at Brighton and Solitude in the Spring. Most of this trail is completely offstreet, but there was a section in a neighborhood where the trail was a sidewalk or I had to ride on the on road.

The trail starts off by going under Wasatch Boulevard. Then it heads...
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